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Canadian Winds • Vents canadiens


The Journal of the Canadian Band Association

Revue de L'Association Canadienne des Harmonies

Canadian Winds is the professional journal of the Canadian Band Association.

The first issue of the journal was released in the fall of 2002.


Sample Issue (Fall 2021)

Aims & Scope:

Canadian Winds/Vents canadiens publishes a wide range of articles related to wind band activity, broadly construed. The journal seeks to be both a scholarly and pedagogical publication, accessible to all instrumental music educators. Although the primary readership is Canadian, with articles focussed on issues salient to Canadian contexts, the journal aspires to be outward-looking, providing a forum for dialogue and engagement with the international wind band community.

Articles are refereed by practicing professionals who judge manuscripts on their importance, originality, timeliness, scope, accuracy, and style. Canadian Winds does not publish articles that are promotional or endorsing of products or services.

Information for Authors:


Articles submitted for publication should be characterised by:

  • Clarity and precision: articles should be in a straightforward, conversational style. Format should adhere closely to the Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago A and Chicago B are both acceptable). Please consult the many free, online sources available.

  • Length: articles should normally be 1800-3500 words. Short features of less than 1800 words will be considered, subject to content considerations.

  • Usefulness: articles should address the interests of a broad cross-section of more than 2,000 instrumental music educators and community musicians who read the journal.

  • Manuscripts with excessive “mechanical” errors (spelling, grammar, etc.) will be returned to authors for revision before being sent to referees for consideration.


Format of Submissions:

  • Articles should be submitted, via email attachment, to:

  • The author’s name or identifying information should not appear on the manuscript, but should be included in the email.

  • A separate 150-word biographical sketch and a high-resolution JPEG headshot should accompany submissions.

  • Photographs (with photo credit) or graphics are welcome with any submission. All images should be sent as separate attachments and not embedded in the body of the text. Images should generally be no less than 300 dpi.

  • Authors are responsible for securing all permissions and clearances for copyrighted materials.




The Canadian Band Association includes nine provincial associations: Alberta Band Association, Saskatchewan Band Association, Manitoba Band Association, CBA (Ontario), Ontario Band Association, Quebec Band Association, Nova Scotia Band Association, and the Newfoundland Labrador Band Association. Canadian Winds is distributed to more that 2,000 band association members and publications subscribers annually. 



Library subscriptions are available for $210 CDN per annum. To subscribe, contact




Don’t miss this opportunity to increase awareness of your firm among the Canadian band community! Ads will be clickable in the PDF version provided to provincial association members.  To reserve advertising space, contact

  2024 RATES:

   Ad Type                                    1 Issue                  Ad Dimensions (in Inches) 

   Eighth Page                                $300                   3.5 wide x 2.25 high

   Quarter Page                             $450                   3.5 wide x 4.625 high

   Half Page                                    $600                   7.375 wide x 4.625 high or 3.5 wide by 9.5 high

   Full Page                                     $850                   7.375 wide x 9.5 high

   Inside Front or Back Cover      $950                   8.625 wide x 11.125 high

   Outside Back Cover                $1150                   8.625 wide x 11.125 high

​  Technical Requirements

   Full Bleed available for Full Page & Cover Ads only

   Full Colour

   Halftone screen - 133 to 150 lines

   All ads must be print ready

   Digital Requirements – Finished layouts in high resolution (minimum 300 dpi ) JPEG, TIFF, or PDF (fonts embedded).

   Cancellations - must be received in writing prior to copy deadline. Covers are non-cancelable.

   Accounts – Billed at time of publication. Payment due upon receipt of invoice.


©  2023 Canadian Band Association

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